- 28 mei 2020
Fossil-free steel production
SEK 200 million in pilot plant for storage of fossil-free hydrogen Potential to reduce Sweden’s total carbon dioxide emissions by 10 percent SSAB, LKAB and Vattenfall, the owners behind the HYBRIT initiative, are investing SEK 150 million and the Swedish Energy Agency is contributing almost SEK 50 million towards the construction of a storage facility for hydrogen at the HYBRIT pilot plant for fossil-free steel. The investment is an important step towards the goal of fossil-free iron and steel production. The HYBRIT initiative began in 2016. By using fossil-free electricity and hydrogen instead of coke and coal in steel production, the emissions will be water instead of carbon dioxide. The initiative has the potential to reduce Sweden’s total carbon dioxide emissions by 10 percent. The plan is to build the new hydrogen gas storage facility 25-35 meters below the ground surface on LKAB's land in Svartöberget, close to the pilot plant currently under construction on SSAB's ...
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